Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Welcome 2011

Yet another year has gone by...
2010 has been a turbulent year in many matters. Building on a turbulent 2009 actually. I could write a lot about that, but that is the past now. It is time to look forward - towards the year where I will make it to the line of my first iron-man race. Wow! Goosebumps. But....

Ready are you? What know you of ready? For eight hundred years have I trained Jedi. My own counsel will I keep on who is to be trained. A Jedi must have the deepest commitment, the most serious mind. This one a long time have I watched. All his life has he looked away... to the future, to the horizon. Never his mind on where he was. Hmm? What he was doing. Hrmph. Adventure. Heh. Excitement. Heh. A Jedi craves not these things. You are reckless.  -Yoda, The Empire Strikes Back

This quote fits me terrifyingly well. I will actually not comment much further on it - it speaks pretty much for it self - besides saying: 
F*** yeah, I AM READY!!!
2011 is on.
Yesterday I was at the gym alone for 4 hours. Doing two hours of spinning, 45 minutes of running, half an hour of core training and some stretching. Normally I hate being there alone, but yesterday I actually enjoyed it. It was nice to be able to do everything without anyone stressing me to get done. As much as I love having my girls with me, sometimes it is a stress factor, which makes me train a bit less than I intended. This is a fact that I have to take into account in the future. No more “social” training. Everyone is very welcome to join me, but they just have to accept that I follow my plan, also when they get bored and leave the gym to go to the spa instead – selfish but necessary and better both physically and mentally.
Speaking of plans.
My training plan for the next 4 weeks:
Rehabilitation of my shoulder, with different exercises and visits at my physiatrist. So no trainings in the water, but hopefully I will be all good to start swimming again in the beginning of February with tri4.
4 X 1hrs spinning
11 X 2hrs spinning
2 X 3 hrs spinning
One 4hrs spinning event
Summing up 36 hours on the spinning bike. Hopefully enough to get in okay shape for the roads when they dry up. And a hell of a lot of self control if not getting too annoyed when hearing the “ONE MORE MILLIMETER”-shout for the 1000th time– never gonna be at true fan of spinning dudes. Sorry!
I have started working intensively on changing my technique to running more forefoot. It pays off already, but still takes a lot of practice and the treadmill is actually really good for this. Therefore I run inside for 45 min on the treadmill two or three times a week. When possible I do it after my spinning passes.
Besides that I run two times a week outside.  
Other stuff:
Core-training and a bit of weights in association with my physiatric. Also started joining yoga and pilates classes.
Yah, that’s about it. And as mentioned above – you are more than welcome to come join me.
Happy New Year every one. 
Cannot wait to experience the coming year with you. 
I have even jumped on the nutrition jada-jada wagon.


  1. I will for sure join you:-) Promise to push it!
    When and where is the 4 hour spin event?

  2. I promise - already on it :)
    The event is in Nørrebro on the 22. of January. 13-17. Join! :)
