Yesterday I went for a nice evening run in the country. It was a bright night and the Christmas lightning was glimpsing in the snow as I ran through the little village where I grew up. How idyllic.
Until .................................................... SLAM!!!!
I was lying there on the ground as long - or short - as I am. The slippery ice finally got me. Never ever thought that would happen to me. I mean, that only happens to old ladies, right?!! Well, either I have changed age-category extremely fast or I am now the exception that proves the rule.
The second I touched the ground I knew that something was wrong. It hurt. Tears started sprinkling from my eyes due to the pain but mostly because I knew that this was bad news. Pain is temporary but a ruined shoulder can take me out for ages. That feeling - the fear of not being able to train and do the things that I love for a long time - that is by far the worst pain of getting an injury.
Thursday evening and Friday afternoon I spent in the hospital. Waiting. Getting x-rays. Waiting. Talking to a doctor. Waiting. Talking to nurses. Waiting. Waiting. Talking to a new doctor. Waiting. Getting tortured by a doctor. Waiting. Getting a new time to come back after Christmas. So far, so good.
"Nothing is broken. This is much worse", was the comforting words of one of the doctors.
"Ohh, thank you very much and a merry Christmas to you too, doctor."
Kolding Hospital - not the worst place to be on a Friday, but close. |
So, no bones suffered but I have injured some muscles and attaching tendons in my shoulder. Hopefully they are only strained a bit. At least that is what I am hoping for right now. Probably they are partly torn though, and worst case scenario is that some muscles or tendons have been completely torn. I still have no clear information on what to expect or what to do. For now I just have to keep my arm calm and give it a lot of rest - not my strong side - then after Christmas, when the worst pain is gone, they will examine me further to clarify completely what the exact diagnosis of the injury is.
To be honest I am not in the best mood at this moment. For a while I saw my dream crumble away. Feels a little bit like one step forward and two back shoulder wise. Most frustrating is it that I still do not really know which leg to stand on. Not until the 27th of December will I know for sure how bad this thing is - or not bad.
Trying to look at the positive sides, though. Wishing for the best, prepared for the worst. No matter what, it will not get me down. I will get back on track again sooner than later. I know that for sure. Just a matter of how soon sooner than later is going to be. Ohhh, and in the short term I am getting spoiled to the bones at my parents - diet?!! Not this weekend.
Talking about weekend. Have a great one and promise to be careful out there - so stupid to be out of the game because of something like this. And boring, may I add.
Dear Majeline - or should we say sweet little Bambi!
ReplyDeleteI'm sorry to hear you got yourself an injury, physically running down memory lane! Oh damn. I feel your frustrations og really really hope for good news when you see the doctor next time!!!
Take good care of yourself, and go crazy in chokolate - you deserve it!
Hugs and thoughts, Louise
Dear PH,
ReplyDeleteDidn't realize that you fell while we talked. Sorry to hear. In Spain we say "animo" which is cheer up in this kind of situations. Big animo from cold Barcelona!