Monday, December 13, 2010

Reaching for The Dream

October 10 2010 (notice that beautiful date:) I took by fare the most heart beating decision ever! I signed up for Challenge Copenhagen and instantly got that thrilling rush of feelings that goes with dreaming. I have dreamt of doing an ironman quite some time now. I just had to pass some milestones before I finally decided to do it.

Some of them were fearful – but I took them step by step, and meanwhile I kept good contact to especially Thomas, who from a distance kindly whispered all the support that I needed. Thank you Thomas!!!

May 2010 I did my very first marathon – and that emotional ride from the beginning to crossing the finish line, is addictive! And I was sure to do it again somehow!

The thoughts of pushing the edge hunted me. Marathon was a huge project. I nursed it. Took good care of my wellbeing during my trainings. I loved the focus it gave me. And somehow it ended up being some sort of a mental journey. 10 years ago I lost my dear mom to cancer and since then, I needed to feel alive and always pushing my self further. May I hit hard by hard passing that finish line – my mom was with me all the way- and somehow I finally accepted the loss of her. I came out stronger!

The finish of the Copenhagen Marathon left a huge emotional gab. What’s next? I cannot stop here. Push it!

August 15 I was excited as a little child on Christmas eve! Some of my friends did the Challenge Copenhagen race – and I followed them from the beginning to the end that day – cheering, smiling and shouting! Somewhere deep inside my own ironman-dream got real. I will do this. Get the thrill. Jump into a new amazing mental journey. Out to the limits. Further. Getting stronger!

My biggest fear!

Swimming!!! How could I possibly swim 3,8 k in open water? I hated pools, and everything about swimming. I decided to go all in! Get the gear, jump in and just goddammit learn!!!

So all by myself I started. It was sad to see the first akward attempts. You couldn’t call it swimming, at all. Then Thomas sent me some links to the good Mr. Evans on Youtube. I studied that mans technique over and over again. And suddenly, I crawled. Hit the technique. And felt the smoothness in the water without having the feeling of racing heartbeats and a total lack of power. Good breathing, gooood long strokes, high elbow and reaching fare in the water! That morning was magical!

In 4 weeks time I could say: Crawl is possible. Learning new stuff is great!

Entering a mans world

It might sound stupid for you guys. And I mean GUYS. You almost battle in gear, throwing all kinds of words about technical stuff around – stuff that I don’t want to be familiar with. It’s a MANS world. I just want things to work – I do not want to fix them myself!

Then I realised I needed to!

I received my beautiful Argon18 bike in a box – without wheels, saddle and so on! New things to learn!

Entering the bike shop, asking for the most basic tools … ended up being another trip into the world of tri. The kind man said: You need this little specific tool if your chain brakes … Chain brakes!!!? What are you talking about … ? That will not happen, please!

Of course I bought the tools – I had to! You just have to close you eyes and pay. Luckily I wore nail polish that day the little tool landed in my hand. The feminine side remains J

Surrounded by loving people

I was not surprised by the reactions from friends, family and colleagues. Most of them knew about my little dream. They were shocked about me participating, based on my somehow short knowledge in this extreme sport. They said I was crazy and asked why? It’s simple. I can, and I will!!

It was very important for me to get the accept from my work, friends and family. When training peaks, they are my supporters, and if I don’t involve them – they haven’t got a change to understand my victories or my challenges. If they play a roll during training – they hopefully feel they play a BIG roll on race day!

It’s all about love and strength taking me to that finish line – and in my dream I already have so many kind faces waiting for me at the finish line. And that’s were the goal is. It’s all about love for pushing – and getting stronger!

Race plans so fare:

Änglemark ½ marathon dec 31.

BT ½ marathon april.

Challenge Aarhus, ½ Ironman july 3rd.

Challenge Copenhagen, full Ironman, august 14th.

That’s the start up – soon adding up some training, thoughts, pix and so on.

Love, Louise


  1. Yes!!! Great post, Louise. And well... maybe it's a mans world - but we look freaking good in it.
    Keep up the good work!

  2. Thank you :-) Now we are ON!!! And you are so right! The guys might slow down just to be in position right BEHIND us ;-)

  3. LOL that’s the spirit girls!
    Great introduction Louise. It gave me the chills.

    One comment on ½ IM in Århus. I thought it was too close to IM Copenhagen and was a little pist that they placed it so close to each other. What are your thoughts about that?

  4. Wow - great stuff. Very emotional. Goose bumps (maybe just the hang overs ... yes I know its tuesday, but Chris is leaving and Mondays here are Nasty)

    Århus and CPH is fine. We do a final HIM (half...) tune-up just 2 weeks before IM St. George! So not to worry.

    Girl Power! Keep it up!!!
