Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Nutrition for dummies in eyes of Hamburgerman

Lately have been mailing with my fellow IM trainees about dieting in general. I felt the urge of contributing my first 50 cents to this blog in terms of what I eat.

In mid August I started a diet called "Diet from hell" eh...name sounds pretty HC but actually its pretty straight forward and doesn't require too much of suffering. Of course first few days were bit tough and I was feeling hungry most of the day but after few first days it started to make sense and your body got used to it.

Now three months have passed with this diet and I have been able to drop weight significantly. When I started the diet I was in 98kg, today 92kg. Actually pretty funny that when I wake up every morning I'm looking forward of eating my bowl of oats with natural yogurt and honey. Breakfast of champions innit…best thing ever.

This is my typical workday menu:

7:00 Bowl of oats with natural yogurts and honey, Redoxon multi-vitamin shake and coffee
10:00 little bit of dark bread with brie cheese and coffee (this is the only bread of day)
11:30 apple
13:00 lots of carrots, tomatoes in weggie salad and little plate of pasta with pesto/bolognese/tomato sauce and fruits for dessert. Normally I go for honey melon which has become my new favorite. Last cup of coffee after lunch.
16:00 apple
18:00 2 rice cookies, vitamins
21:00 salad dinner with piece of steak or chicken. Glass or two of red wine.

During the day I drink around 4-5 liters of water.

On weekends I eat about the same except for dinner there can be a cheeseburger and beer or two.

When going for long bike ride or run on weekends, I'll add energy bar or two in mix but during the work week this is what I eat.

I have noticed huge improvement with my run and bike after I have dropped weight and got bit leaner. I'm planning to keep eating according to diet until June, hoping to drop another 4kg before summer. Ironman Zurich is taking place 10th of July 2011

HamburgerMan's tip for dieting is: bread is the enemy! You get used to live with less food.

1 comment:

  1. Hey!
    Thanks for sharing your diet!
    Only coffe until lunch? Why? Does it give problems drinking coffe later in the day in general or is it only your experience?
